Thursday, April 8, 2021

Week 13, S2

Hello Everyone,

Here is a list of work for the week:

1. Make sure you take the Fahrenheit 451 Quiz. Friday morning at 8 am is the hard deadline.  I'm working on grades over the next few days and will include it in your progress report.

2. Finish reading Fahrenheit 451.  

3. Here is a chart related to the text that I want you to complete this week. Make your own copy.  Read and follow the directions precisely.

4. Here is the rest of the work within the slides.

Also, I'm working on a Google survey to canvas your various thoughts about returning to the physical classroom again.  

As exciting as it is for some, it seems to creates logistical complications/concerns for others.  I need time to think about it.  Here's what I need to think about:

How many of you will attend in person?

If several of you stay home, can I do a hybrid well?

Is it "worth it" to figure out all of the kinks and hiccups just for our last few weeks together?

Anywhooo, look for the survey and fill it out---it will help me figure out how to proceed.  

I would LOVE to come back to the physical, but I don't want to make any of us crazy doing so!

That's it for now...Mrs. Price

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