Thursday, March 11, 2021

Week 10, Semester 2

Their Eyes Were Watching God

This week we'll read chapters 7-15 of TEWWG.  Please make use of the glossary and audio (tab above); I promise it will help you get more out of your experience and the story.

HERE'S the study guide for this week, follow the directions.  I realize that the study guide slows down your reading process. In fact, that is the point; I want you to digest the text thoughtfully and not just plow through it. Slowing down gives you more time to ponder, revisit, and apply.  I know some of you still don't believe me about this, but please try it my way. ; )

The questions for these chapters will push you past toward WHAT is happening to HOW and WHY Hurston uses language, tone, and diction to convey the WHAT.

HERE are the slides that will help you 1) review the material from class 2) help you fill out your study guide and prepare for reading  3) help you prepare for next week's quiz.  Along the way there are videos and links to read, so look for them.

That's it for this week....we'll get to the local history revision stuff soon but not this week.

Questions?  Email me--happy to help!

Mrs. Price