Their Eyes Were Watching God
This week we'll read the first six chapters. Please notice and use the "Their Eyes Resources" tab at the top of this blog. Here you'll find a helpful glossary and an excellent audio reading of each chapter.
Before each chapter, read through the glossary words for that chapter so that you'll understand them.
We will have some vocabulary to define related to this book and Zora Neale Hurston. Please look up and define each of the following:
Harlem Renaissance Video Component
Watch the following videos on the Harlem Renaissance Movement. Take notes of specifics while you watch. Afterwards, use your notes to create a Writer's Notebook entry with at least four well-developed paragraphs. Here are the topics you should address in each paragraph:
Paragraph 1: A description of the movement (think: who, what, when, where)
Paragraph 2: The causes of the movement (think: why? what conditions precipitated it?)
Paragraph 3: Characteristics of mov't, some important figures and art forms
Paragraph 4: Impact and legacy
Videos to Watch
The Great Migration & The Harlem Renaissance (12 minutes)
The Harlem Renaissance's cultural explosion, in photographs (5 minutes)
Great Gatsby Work Submission